As we journey through life, we often encounter moments that test our faith and challenge our understanding of God's will. For many, the year that has passed may have been such a year, with war happening both in Ukraine and in Israel. Yet, for others, these very things confirm that we are living in prophetic times and that God is doing more behind the scenes than we can see in the visible.
The Bible teaches us that God's ways are higher than our ways, His thoughts higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9), and in times of uncertainty, we must learn to lean more deeply into the truths of Scripture.
One truth about God, that separates Him from all other beings is that He is omnipresent. This is a theological term that means that God is everywhere at the same time. This means that God does not need to predict the future — He has already been there. Not only that, but He has also given us a written account of things that will happen. Not as one predicting the future, but as one who has already seen it.
From God's Word, we know that there are bad things that will happen as we get closer to the return of Jesus, but at the same time, we already know that Jesus will win the ultimate victory and that God will be with His people. But as we walk through the minefield of future events, it is good to walk hand in hand with someone who has already been there.
Even though our journey might include trials, we can trust in the omnipresence of God. He knows exactly what we need to do in order to get safely through the storms that lie ahead. And when you learn to trust His faithfulness, you will face every day with faith and optimism. Because you know He will make all things work together for good to those who love Him (Romans 8:28).